One STEMist at a Time

boy on ipad

Engaging the whole child

To Create Life-Long Learners

At Jungman, students are free to explore their potential and learn how they can grow. We empower children through an innovative STEM curriculum, meaningful engagement with the community around them, and strong social and emotional support systems that facilitate lifelong learning.

At or above grade level
Schools in Chicago
CPS Ranking
Robotics Classes

Explore Jungman

Take the 3D Virtual Tour

Check out the space where our students learn and grow! Fill out the information in the following form to view the 3D virtual tour of our building.


The Power of STEM

Learning to Love Learning

If you are looking for a school where your child will be challenged and have opportunities to grow academically, then Jungman Elementary is the perfect place! We offer programs such as our STEM Magnet curriculum, Free after school programing and care, As well as Cutting Edge Technology with 1:1 robotics classes in media technology leadership.

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"We have a family-like environment here, and there's an excitement in the possibilities that parents will find when they come to our school. They'll see how we can prepare their kids for what comes next."

 - Patty, Jungman Teacher

Soaring Above

Making the Grade

At Jungman, students are free to explore their potential and learn how they can grow. We empower children through an innovative STEM curriculum, meaningful engagement with the community around them, and strong social and emotional support systems that facilitate lifelong learning.

girl teacher blue robot

Suzanne Mazenis-Luzzi

Jungman Principal

Creating Opportunity

Through Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math

“We started sowing the seeds of STEM before we were even designated a STEM Magnet school because we thought that the most important thing to do for our kids was to give them opportunities. Now our “STEMists'' are passionate about STEM and we, their Jungman family, are committed to helping them turn their passion into real-life success.

We want big things for our kids. One day soon our STEMists will be out there making amazing changes in the world and it's because of our collective community commitment.”

Our Resources

soccer boy

After School


colorful robots

State of the Art


recording equip


Recording Studio

“This is a phenomenal school! They have a great STEM program, free after-school classes, and free all-day summer camps. It’s really remarkable the programming and coding that students pre-K to middle grades do. There is no other school in the city like Jungman.”

 - Jungman Parent

Take a

Personal Tour

If you a think Jungman might be a good fit, or are interested in learning more about our school, you can schedule a one on one tour with our Principal! Just fill out the form below, and she will reach out to you to coordinate a time.

Parent / Guardian's Name(Required)
Student's Name(Required)
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Stem stuff


Jungman teachers

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